Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs
Katy Perry's triumph against Taylor Swift in Forbess top-paid females in music could entice people who enjoy low grade pop beef. The real intrigue lies in Forbes' top 10, where a possible challenger could be found. at No. 8, just below Rihanna and atop both Celine Dion and Britney Spears, is Helene Fischer. Who? Well a tight-lipped German-Russian superstar determined to maintain her appeal to all women for one thing. It is revealed in her numerous interviews that she likes butter as well as her German partner, who was a popular TV presenter, got her picture tattooed onto his arm. The biographical details are a bit boring. Fischer 34 is the king of Germanys Schlager scene, a genre which has two distinct direction. The second song has more of a bierhalle rhythm that focuses on the themes of drunk girls as well as the German. Fischer The faithful woman can be seen as the antagonist in this tune: she's the one with a heartbeat that skips and then her breath stops as she thinks about her committed partner who uses the feminine side of her to strengthen her instincts of protection. Schlager returned to the traditional music to dispel the western-influenced pop which had swept through Germany. There are numerous Schlager-related specials available on television that are a hit with young Boomers. Fischer puts one out every Christmas, a cloying show with an all-star cast. The show makes Jools' Annual Hootenanny seem like Channel 4s' Club X. Schlager shares the down-home spirit of country music, and Fischer has given it an dynamic synth-pop makeover in the manner of Fischer were German Taylor Swift. Swifts pop-evolution made Swift cool. But it's hard to determine how much critics love Fischers plainly awful music.
Claudia Wells is an American actress born in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia but grew up in San Francisco CA. Wells gained fame for her character Jennifer Parker, Marty McFly's partner in the 1985 film Back to the Future. Wells also appeared on Stop the Madness a Reagan-sponsored anti-drug video that featured famous athletes, actors, as well as musicians. She appeared the following year on the show Babies Having Babies, and she was also a character in Fast Times - a short lived television series inspired by the hit 1982 movie Fast Times At Ridgemont High. Claudia paused her acting career in spite of her successes in the entertainment business. She lost her mother when she was diagnosed as having cancer. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia has been credited with more than fifty episodes in television, film and stage. But she still believes her most exciting career on screen lies ahead as she continues to search for sexy and unique characters. Claudia Wells oversees Armani Wells, a men's luxury clothing store. To learn more visit the website

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